Designed to provide background and training in teaching at the college level, the Graduate Certificate in College Teaching program includes coursework, workshops, and seminars that provide basic information on teaching and learning.

In addition, the program requires a mentored teaching experience and the development of a teaching portfolio. Part of the purpose of the program is to prepare graduate students to teach in a range of institutions such as community colleges, liberal arts colleges, research-intensive universities, etc.

The program is designed to supplement the studentʼs degree program, and it may be tailored to meet the needs and goals of individual participants. The program provides coherence for the varied teaching experiences individuals gain as part of their careers as graduate students.

This certification program offers students a way of documenting their developing expertise as teachers. The materials developed in the teaching portfolio, along with the certificate and possible designation on the studentʼs transcript, may assist graduates seeking employment in an increasingly competitive job market.


To be eligible, students must be in a masters or doctoral program in the College of Arts and Letters and have a commitment to developing their teaching competence.


For more information contact:
Assoc. Dean for Graduate Studies
College of Arts and Letters
300 Linton Hall
Michigan State University
East Lansing, MI 48824